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發表SCI論文50餘篇,其中影響因子大于15的7篇、ESI熱點論文1篇、ESI高被引論文3篇。 [1] K. Guan, C. Li, Z.Z. Yang, Y.S. Yu, Q. Yang, W.W. Zhang, Z.P. Guan, C. Wang, M. Zha, H.Y. Wang, Hardening effect and precipitation evolution of an isothermal aged Mg-Sm based alloy, J. Magnes. Alloy. 11 (2023) 4619-4627. (IF:17.6) [2] K. Guan, M. Egami, D. Egusa, H. Kimizuka, M. Yamasaki, Y. Kawamura, E. Abe, Short-range order clusters in the long-period stacking/order phases with an intrinsic-I type stacking fault in Mg–Co–Y alloys, Scr. Mater. 207 (2022) 114282. (IF:6.0) [3] K. Guan, D. Egusa, E. Abe, Dilute long period stacking/order (LPSO)-variant phases along the composition gradient in a Mg–Ho–Cu alloy, J. Magnes. Alloy. 10 (2022) 1573-1580. (IF:17.6) [4] K. Guan, F.Z. Meng, P.F. Qin, Q. Yang, D.D. Zhang, B.S. Li, W. Sun, S.H. Lv, Y.D. Huang, N. Hort, J. Meng, Effects of samarium content on microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg–0.5Zn–0.5Zr alloy, J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 35 (2019) 1368-1377. (IF:10.9) [5] K. Guan, Q. Yang, F.Q. Bu, X. Qiu, W. Sun, D.P. Zhang, T. Zheng, X.D. Niu, X.J. Liu, J. Meng, Microstructures and mechanical properties of a high-strength Mg–3.5Sm–0.6Zn–0.5Zr alloy, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 703 (2017) 97-107. (IF:6.4)