報告人:張來昌 教授
主持人(邀請人):邱豐 教授
報告地點:騰訊會議 會議ID:472 867 959
報告摘要:Beta-type titanium porousstructures are a new class of solution for implants because they offerexcellent combination of high strength and low Young’s modulus. This presentationstudies the influence of porosity variation in 3D printing (via electron beammelting (EBM)-produced and selective laser melting (SLM)) produced beta-typetitanium alloy samples on the mechanical properties including super-elasticproperty, Young’s modulus, compression strength, energy absorption and fatigueproperties. Compared with Ti-6Al-4V samples, the beta-type titanium poroussamples exhibit a higher normalized fatigue strength owing to super-elasticproperty, greater plastic zone ahead of the fatigue crack tip and the crackdeflection behaviour. Stress distribution results, obtained by finite elementmethods, coupled with the investigation of the slip bands generated have beenused to reveal the plasticity mechanism and local stress concentrations foreach structure. The topology optimized structure exhibits the best balance ofbending and buckling stress with a high elastic energy absorption, a lowYoung’s modulus and a high compression strength.
報告人簡介:張來昌教授,澳大利亞埃迪斯∙科文大學終身教授及機械工程學科負責人、德國“洪堡”學者。張教授長期從事新型金屬材料的制備、結構和性能,尤其是新型钛合金的制備工藝和性能、亞穩态合金的制備和性能、3D打印技術在新材料中的應用等領域的研究。迄今在Progress in MaterialsScience、Advanced Materials、Advanced FunctionalMaterials、Acta Materialia、Applied Materials Today,Additive Manufacturing、Corrosion Science、Scripta Materialia等著名期刊發表SCI論文250餘篇,其中有ESI高被引論文20篇,科瑞唯安H指數52。部分研究成果已經在澳大利亞廣播電視台(ABC)新聞頻道全球直播采訪、澳大利亞《訪談》(The Conversation)采訪報道、我國中央電視台(CCTV-4)、新華社和《科技日報》等知名媒體報道。現擔任Frontiersin Materials副編輯、 Advanced Engineering Materials、Metals、、Materials Science and Technology、Advances in Materials Research: An International Journal等SCI學報編委。