報告人:譚超林博士/博士生導師 (新加坡制造技術研究院)
主持人(邀請人): 邱豐 教授
報告時間:6月5日 20:00-21:30
會議 ID:173-729-935
報告摘要:The unique flexibilities of additive manufacturing (AM) to build complex-geometry components have been well investigated. However, the potential in AM of metallic components with high complexity in material distribution lacks exploration. Current AM of multi-materials are mostly in a linear format, which hardly inherit the merits of constitutive materials effectively and have demonstrated anisotropic mechanical properties. Laser additive manufacturing (LAM) enables the processing of heterogeneous materials with customised architectures to combine the merits of constitutive materials for attaining better mechanical property and functionality. To fully leverage the material-complexity capability of LAM, this report will introduce multi-type heterostructured multi-materials with configurable architectures from 1D to 3D, which includes the LAM-processed unidirectional, layerwise and voxelised heterostructured materials. The microstructure evolutions, interfacial bonding mechanisms, localised deformation behaviour, multi-scale mechanical properties and underlying strengthening mechanisms will be elucidated. The findings demonstrated a novel approach to circumvent material property tradeoffs. Furthermore, the findings could stimulate a promising research domain by AM of functional components with the configurable distribution of multiple materials in multi-scales for superior performance and novel functionality.
Graphical abstract(下附)
報告人簡介:譚超林博士現任新加坡制造技術研究院研究科學家和博士生導師。華南理工大學與英國伯明翰大學聯合培養博士。長期從事金屬增材制造(3D打印)新材料和複合材料、結構設計與優化、梯度/異質材料、多尺度組織性能評價等研究。2019年7月受聘廣東工業大學“青年百人”特聘副教授,2020年1月加入新加坡制造技術研究院。2019年獲英國伯明翰大學榮譽研究員和廣州市青年托舉人才;2021年獲國際先進材料協會(IAAM)傑出科學家獎。主持多項中國和新加坡的國家級和省市級基礎研究項目,參與新加坡重大專項2項,總經費超過5000萬人民币。目前以第一作者發表SCI論文23篇,以通訊作者發表SCI論文5篇和EI論文2篇, 包括Int. J. Mach. Tools Manuf. (5篇)、Addit. Manuf. (2篇)、Mater Des (3篇)、Compos. B. Eng、VPP、JMST、MRL等影響因子大于7的頂刊和優秀期刊論文17篇,均篇被引超過35次。授權/申請發明專利2項,參與撰寫并署名專業書籍《粉末床激光熔融技術》1部 (59萬字)。擔任機械與制造領域頂刊International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture編委,同時擔任SCI JCR一區期刊《中國有色金屬學報》中、英文版和《Rare Metals》青年編委,是Nat. Commun., Int. J. Mach. Tools Manuf., Addit. Manuf., Compos. B. Eng., Mater. Des., JMST 等國内外10餘種優秀期刊的常年審稿人。