報告題目: 金屬增材制造中的微觀組織工程
報告人:譚喜鵬博士/博士生導師 (新加坡國立大學)
主持人(邀請人): 邱豐 教授
報告時間:2022年9月8日 14:00-15:30
邱豐 邀請您參加騰訊會議
Metal additive manufacturing enables layer-wise, digital fabrications of complex near-net-shape parts using raw metallic materials mainly in the form of powder or wire. Also, it exhibits immense promise in achieving real-time, in-process microstructural engineering and control during manufacturing of a wide variety of metals and alloys. Here, microstructural engineering refers to an engineering approach to design and build desirable microstructure and properties of a material, where porosity, grain morphology, grain boundary segregation, crystallographic texture, and phase precipitation can be engineered. In this talk, I will present recent research efforts of using microstructural engineering approaches to address the emerging concerns associated with metal additive manufacturing processes, for instance, strength and ductility trade-off, hot cracking, mechanical anisotropy, etc. This research paves the way towards high-performance additive manufacturing technology by leveraging the classical approach in materials science and engineering.
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報告人簡介:譚喜鵬現任新加坡國立大學機械系研究助理教授,獨立PI。2007年本科畢業于伟德bv1946官网,2013年博士畢業于中國科學院金屬研究所,師從胡壯麒院士和金濤研究員,先後在韓國材料研究所(KIMS)、法國馬賽大學IM2NP研究所、新加坡南洋理工大學機械學院和3D打印中心從事鎳基單晶高溫合金、三維原子探針、以及金屬增材制造的研究工作。目前主要研究方向是高性能金屬增材制造以及可持續冶金和制造。作為主要作者已在Acta Materialia, NPG Asia Materials, Additive Manufacturing, Scripta Materialia, Scientific Reports, Materials & Design, Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A發表SCI文章60餘篇,包括ESI高被引用論文7篇,其中1篇為熱點論文,谷歌學術總被引用次數超過4500次,H因子28。在金屬材料和先進制造領域的主流期刊審稿400餘篇,包括Science, Nature Communications, Materials Today, Advanced Materials, Acta Materialia, Biomaterials, Additive Manufacturing等。同時也是瑞士、瑞典及加拿大等國家基金項目的評審人。2021年起擔任Advanced Powder Materials編委。